Don't have the funds to buy Bayonetta? The KoopaTV Loyalty Rewards Program is here to help you - we're giving away a $10 eShop code for first place! (It's sitting unscratched to my left, calling out to you.) It's a great contest that KoopaTV has that's 100% skill-based and free to enter, and all the information on it is in the hyperlink in this paragraph. me!īayonetta PLUS her stage are $5.99 on Wii U or 3DS, and $6.99 if you want to buy her plus her stage on both systems. I don't have a crush on Bayonetta! As you can see, the only one getting crushed on here is. I already acknowledged it as such on KoopaTV before, so I'm not making this up as I go along. Meanwhile, Bayonetta's stage, Umbra Clock Tower, comes with "Let's Dance Boys" which is so sexy and jazzy. Why no love for Corrin? Yeah, I don't plan to actually buy Corrin's DLC. In the meantime, let me give a quick thought or two. Because a request told me to, and I rather like that request.
I'll let you know my full thoughts on Bayonetta and Corrin's inclusions in a later article, along with the other DLC characters. For Wii U as of when you read this, on a worldwide basis. He must be really eager to work on whatever it is he actually wants to work on.īayonetta and Corrin should be available for purchase from the Nintendo eShop for both Super Smash Bros. For 3DS would come out in the summer and having it come out in October and pretending he didn't miss his own deadline or anything. This is much more timely than saying Super Smash Bros. Well, it's now February 2016, and it so happens that Sakurai met his target at the BEGINNING of the month, rather than the end of it. Sakurai mentioned that they're targeting February 2016 for both Bayonetta and Corrin. We have Smash Ballot winner (though, it was through more dubious means than Hillary Clinton getting more votes than Bernie Sanders in the Iowa Caucus) Bayonetta from the critically-acclaimed Bayonetta, and some advertisement Fire Emblem crap named Corrin. I n the middle of December, Masahiro Sakurai told us who the last DLC characters would be. Which she is able to give herself by virtue of her very presence. By LUDWIG VON KOOPA - Well, Bayonetta deserves a HAWT welcome.